1. Wuxi Binhu Trading Co., Ltd.


    Wuxi Binhu Trading Co., Ltd.

    A comprehensive company specializing in chemical trade

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  2. Business & Products

    Manufacturer: Shanghai Jinfei
    Trademark: HHMTR210
    Specification: Wire and cable insulation
    Melt index: 0.80
    Density: 0.942
    Tensile yield: 28
    Elongation: greater than 500
    Environmental stress cracking resistance: greater than 48
    Oxidation induction period: greater than 50
    This product is a copolymer obtained by the American Phillips Petrochemical Company technology and adopting the loop slurry process. The finished product is non-toxic, tasteless, and has no odor and translucent natural oblate particles.
    Uses: Communication cable insulation.

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