1. Wuxi Binhu Trading Co., Ltd.


    Wuxi Binhu Trading Co., Ltd.

    A comprehensive company specializing in chemical trade

    A private enterprise engaging in various chemical raw materials

  2. Business & Products

    Chemical Dept. IMore
      Product name Producing area Specifications Use
    Glacial acetic acid Domestic 200KG/drum

    Mainly used in organic synthesis, synthetic fiber, dyes, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and other industries.

    Polyethylene Shanghai Jinfei 25KG/bag

    Uses: Communication cable insulation.

    Polyethylene Qilu 25KG/bag

    Uses: Communication cable insulation.

    EVOH high barrier Chuanwei 25kg/bag

    Widely used in the packaging of food, medicine, daily chemical products, etc.

    Chemical Dept. IIMore
      Product name Producing area Specifications Use
    Polyvinyl alcohol Chuan Wei bagged

    Mainly used as vinylon, ceramic grinding, grinding wheel sandpaper, etc.

    VAE Chuan Wei barreled

    Mainly used in wood processing, packaging, plastic film lamination, printing, paper products, textiles, non-woven fabrics, etc.

    Warehousing DepartmentMore

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